Session proposal

Breakout session proposals     

Thank you to everyone who has submitted a session proposal for NHS ConfedExpo 2025. 

The portal for submitting session proposals is now closed, and a review of all proposals is now taking place. There are a limited number of sessions available, and we expect to receive more submissions than we can accommodate. Everyone who has submitted a session proposal will receive feedback in February 2025. 

Please note that this call for submissions was not intended for commercial organisations, and organisations with a large turnover. We have a range of commercial packages available if you are interested in delivering a session at NHS ConfedExpo 2025. Please contact our commercial team for more details. 

What we are looking for

Breakout sessions at NHS ConfedExpo are dedicated to:

  • Informative sessions: Focused on sharing knowledge and insights with attendees. This could include case study presentations, panel discussions, or debates where the primary goal is to inform and educate the audience. (40 or 45 mins – and possibly as few as 20 minutes - in length)
  • Interactive sessions: Designed to actively engage attendees throughout the session. This could include workshops, hackathons, or focus groups where participants are involved in hands-on activities and collaborative problem-solving. (60 mins in length)
  • Networking sessions: Aimed at creating opportunities for attendees to connect and network, bringing together communities of interest. (60 mins in length)

Please ensure you have considered the following for your session:

  • How you will hold the audience’s attention, and will the session appeal to a broad range of delegates?
  • Including practical learning examples
  • The diversity of your speakers
  • Does your session focus on one sector or include speakers from the wider health and care sector, or beyond
  • Inclusion of patients or people with lived experience
  • Submitting a session with other partners to ensure your session is representative of the health and care system.


To help us understand your session, we need to know who you are proposing would speak. Please include details of all proposed speakers and check they are happy to be included and available on 11 and 12 June 2025. Please ensure speakers are aware that sessions need to go through an assessment process and that successful submissions will be confirmed in February 2025.

We've prepared some additional guidance to support your session proposal. For general queries, you can contact the programme team at



Key deadlines and timescales

The strict deadline for submissions is 5pm on Friday 6 December. Submissions received after this time will not be reviewed.

All submitters will receive a decision on their session and feedback by 10 February. Successful submissions will then be given until 14 March to finalise their session and confirm speakers.

4 November - 6 December Time to develop submissions
5pm Friday 6 December Closing date / time for all submissions
7 December - 10 February Review process and feedback
10 February - 14 March Successful sessions work on details session development
14 March - early April Sessions go through final review and made ready for publication
Early April NHS ConfedExpo programme published

Please note:

  • The NHS ConfedExpo team reserves the right to direct organisations with high income generation to our Commercial colleagues to discuss funded conference packages
  • The NHS ConfedExpo team hold final editorial control on all sessions, including the ability to add or request changes to speakers
  • Where sessions are similar to others, we may ask submitters to work together and combine their sessions before making a decision on if the session will be included in the programme.
  • There is no flexibility in the above timelines and deadlines. Please only submit a proposal if your team has the capacity to deliver to the timelines outlined.