Learning Theatres

Discover eight dynamic learning theatres across our exhibition floor, where innovation meets expertise.

Each space buzzes with expert-led sessions showcasing inspiring solutions and fresh perspectives from across the sector. Join peers and experts to explore what's working, what's next, and what's new. 

Driving impact and improvement
The driving impact and improvement theatre, supported by IQVIA, will explore the role of improvement in driving change and the transformative work being achieved across different teams and organisations.
Life sciences and research
The life sciences and research theatre, supported by ABPI, will focus on how groundbreaking research can transform the way we address health and care challenges, from redesigning dementia pathways to improving outcomes for rare diseases.
Collaboration and partnerships
The collaboration and partnerships theatre, sponsored by Sanofi, will showcase how teams across England are harnessing the power of communities and neighbourhoods to address health challenges and working in collaboration to prevent ill-health.
The innovation theatre, supported by Health Innovation Network, will showcase innovation’s role in transforming healthcare and driving improvements and hear with teams showcasing how their innovative solutions are making a difference.
The role of the voluntary sector
The role of the voluntary sector theatre, supported by NHS Charities Together, looks at how the NHS and voluntary sector collaborate, showcasing the sector’s role in addressing inequalities, tackling the social determinants of health and using targeted interventions to better support patients and their families.
Health inequalities
The Health inequalities theatre, supported by Novartis UK, will explore health inequalities from a range of perspectives, from addressing maternal health inequalities to delivering a person-centred approach for high-intensity users.
AI Innovation
The AI innovation theatre, supported by Microsoft, will explore how data and digital tools are improving patient pathways and enhancing productivity in organisations across the country.
Revolution in AI
The revolution in AI theatre, supported by Google Health, will showcase how technology is addressing a range of challenges across improvement, prevention, workforce and more.
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